Staying calm during an exam or test can help you perform better. Here are some tips to help in staying calm and reduce stress and anxiety during Exams:

Please connect Earlier Blog Post What not to do a day before Exam and How to Reach Exam Centre on Time with this.

  1. Good preparation is the biggest antidote against stress and anxiety as it boosts confidence and reduce stress during the exam.
  2. A good night’s sleep can help improve your cognitive function and reduce stress.
  3. Eating a nutritious breakfast can provide you with the energy you need to perform well.
  4. Practice deep breathing, as it can help you relax and calm your mind before the exam.
  5. Keep your attention on the good things and keep your abilities and strengths in mind. Consider the pleasant recollections you have as a result of past achievements.
  6. To lessen stress and manage time during the exam, have a clear plan for how you will manage your time. This plan should be well tested in Mock exams. As these few hours will decide the fate of your hardwork of last years.
  7. Take Mock Exams to identify your strength and weakness with respect to subject as well as time management. Write the expriences of previous mock Tests.
  8. Keep track records of silly mistakes in form of photograph etc done in these mock test. Revise this record. This will boost your confidence during actual exam.
  9. Make sure you understand the instructions and format of the exam before you start writing.
  10. Take a small break, If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths, stretch, or take a quick walk.
  11. Daily Meditation is also key habit to improve your Composure.

By incorporating these tips into your exam preparation, you can help stay calm and reduce stress, leading to better performance during the exam.

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